Monday, February 16, 2009

Barf and a wii

Hello readers. Actually, maybe just "reader." I have no idea if anyone actually reads about me. So I haven't written for forever because my mommy has been hogging the computer watching Felicity (I can't decide if I am on team Ben or team Noel) but she has to write a paper today so she's procrastinating however she can and finally let me update.

I have two very important and distressing pieces of news to announce.

First, I barfed today. This is the first time that I have ever relieved myself in any capacity outside of my litter box. What's worse is that my lazy mommy was still in bed and so Aunt Jocelyn had to clean it up. I think I'm ok, though. I haven't barfed since and I'm acting pretty normal. But I'm still wondering why that happened... woe is me.

The next distressing information is that daddy got a wii from Grandpa. This is a big bummer because it means that mommy is going to go over there and play all the time and I am going to be all alone. WAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH. I don't know how I will cope... maybe I will do crazy things like delete mommy's papers so she has to rewrite them and doesn't have time to play. MWAHAHA.

Ok that's all for today.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I'm so handsome.

So here's some pictures of me. I am insanely cute. Don't you think? My mommy, daddy and aunties tell me so about a zillion times a day so it must be true. This is mommy and me on the day she adopted me back in September. She came to pick me up from the Humane Society where I was living. When she walked in the door I knew I wanted to go home with her and her friends (my aunties) and so I ran right over to her and started purring uncontrollably and then she picked me up and we fell in love immediately! I'm so glad she took me home instead of all the other really annoying kittens who I had to share a room with. I don't know what stock those guys came from, but they were seriously insane. They just meowed all the time like crazy. I hated living with them. So I was SO glad that mommy and the aunties brought me home to Fairfax Avenue. The worst part, though, was that when we left the Humane Society, they put me in this awful cardboard box. I hate that thing! Then they went to Target to buy me all SORTS of stuff and while they were inside I broke out of that stupid box. It was really funny because when they came back to the car they were all frantic looking for me but I was just hiding under the driver's seat. HA. More pictures you say? Don't mind if I do...

Just look at that physique!

So this is my new potty. It is WAY better than what they were making us use at the Humane Society. They just ripped up a bunch of old newspapers and put them in a box and we all had to go potty in front of each other... totally embarrassing, especially for elementary school kittens. I felt like it was inappropriate for us all to potty in front of each other, especially since so many of the other kittens were younger than me (I felt like a dirty old man watching them go). Anyway, now I have my OWN potty... it's like a palace. Thought you might like to see.

Here's one last picture...

This is what I'd like to be doing right now so I'd better sign off. Daddy has been wearing me out with my toys tonight and mommy says I need a good night's sleep to prepare for tomorrow. She has four days off of work and she says we're going to have lots of special bonding time. The schools where she works have a day off tomorrow because it's really cold outside (I have NEVER understood why humans don't have fur coats...) and then the weekend and then she's off Monday for Martin Luther King day so we have some serious mommy-kitten snuggle time coming up and I have to be ready. So goodnight and thanks for reading.

Our first post!

Hello. My name is Atticus. I am an orange kitten, about 8 months old and I live with my mommy (Catherine) and my two aunties (Jocelyn and Jennifer) in Nashville. I am one of the co-authors of this blog. My mommy made me start this blog because she is going to get married to my daddy and I'm going to have a new sister. Her name is Mowmow. I've never met Mowmow (although I've heard LOTS of stories about her... I'm not sure what to expect) but my mommy and daddy want me to start getting used to the idea of having a sister and they want Mowmow to start getting used to the thought of living with ME (she's such a lucky kitty). They thought it would be a good idea if we blogged about it as a way to think about our feelings (mommy's really into all this feeling talk since she's studying to be a counselor) surrounding this monumental event.

So mowmow and I are going to share this blog and we will be writing to update the blogosphere about preparing for the realities that will come our way next January when we will blend our households. Mommy says we're just a typical American family.

So sometimes I will blog and sometimes it will be Mowmow. We'll be updating you on the march to 01/02/2010. My mommy says the date's a palindrome but I don't know what that is.